Department of Art

Art is a poem without words.

Some people say art is life, which is close to the truth. Art imitates life, and inspires life. Art is important to our society and each one of us individually for many reasons. Art throughout time tells our history, our desires, and our fears. It also helps us express ourselves. With one piece of artwork, we can convey many messages without saying a word. It's amazing and endless what we can do, feel, and achieve through our art. Everyone at one point in their lives must have been inspired by some art form, and it will continue to inspire generations to come.

Department of Art at Sanjay Ghodawat International School plays a central role in all the activities. Students are trained in different art forms and also in crafts. Art forms: portrait, Landscape, Water colour, head study to draw human figure, etc. are introduced to children, in person. Maximum use of time and facilities are made, as all the state of art materials and equipments are available in art room.

The department proved to be most successful in interschool competitions. Our children bought laurels to the school through the competitions held at Horlicks Wizkids Pune, Jayant Carnival, Shahu Carnival, Xest Fest and VIVA.

Students are trained to excel in face painting, Rangoli, flower decoration, nail art, drawing, Book mark, tattoo making, Cartoons, etc.

There is a long list of Prize winners ... .We congratulate all of them on making the school and also their parents feel proud.