SGIS CBSE Primary Section Annual Function Grade 1 & Grade 2. 2020-2021

The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesh, is the God of good luck and auspiciousness and is the dispeller of problems and obstacles -Vignahartha. He is the master of ceremonies and is the first to be revered and prayed to, whenever a puja is performed. He is believed to bring prosperity and initiate new beginnings. On the eve of 11th Annual Socials, Students of Grade 1 Primary Section of Sanjay Ghodawat International School performed the dances and skits on the theme “Ganesh Tales” on 8th February, 2021. The stories such as birth of Lord Ganesha, how the moon lost his light were enacted by the lil ones to spread the message of being honest, respecting others and not teasing others. It was amazing to watch lil ones performing, dancing, and enacting on the life incidents of Lord Ganesha. At the end, a message was given to all, to buy eco-friendly Ganesh idols this year.